The New Uniform

The Margaret River Senior High Schools uniform policy was developed by the School Council in accordance with Department of Education and Training policy and guidelines on dress standards for students in public schools.

The Margaret River School community acted on a request made by the student council in 2010 to upgrade the school uniform.

The issue was brought to the school council and the P&C and it was agreed to consider a general improvement of the uniform for the 2012 school year.

The school uniform is compulsory commencing Monday 4th February 2013.

The school uniform can be purchased from the P&C Uniform Shop which is located in the school grounds next to the canteen.

Online ordering is now available.

The uniform shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 8.45am to 9.30am.

Uniform Policy

Under section 128c of the Education Act the School Board determines, in consultation with the school community, a dress code for students at Margaret River Senior High School. The school uniform is the expected standard dress for all students at the school. School uniform is a very important part of the school’s ethos and tradition.

Upon enrolling their children at Margaret River Senior High School parents agree to support wearing school uniform by their children.

The MRSHS Uniform

School Tops

Students have the option of two styles of shirts. One has a straight line whilst a second style is slightly tailored and has shorter sleeves.
The green and black shirts are for Years 8 to 10 and the black and white shirts are for Year 11 and 12 students.


Black track pants, skirts and shorts with the school logo are to be worn.
Skirts and dresses are to be no more than 10cm above the knee. The current chequered dress will continue to be uniform.
Black stockings under skirts and pants or socks to tone in with the uniform are allowed.
Prescribed school bottoms are available through the uniform shop.


Black shoes with closed in toes, top and heel are appropriate footwear. Brightly coloured shoes and slip-ons are not to be worn to school.

Jewellery and Body Adornments

Make-up, jewellery and body adornments must be minimal, unobtrusive and safe. Earrings can be sleepers or studs. If in the opinion of the school administration, students do not adhere to these guidelines, they will be required to make the necessary changes to conform to this policy. Due to Occupational Health and Safety issues facial piercing will need to be plastic backed and with flat studs. Students will not be allowed to have excessive facial piercing. 

Image3Special Uniforms

Students will be issued with a Health and Safety policy in the Design & Technology, Home Economics and Science departments. This will outline appropriate closed footwear, protective clothing, safety goggles and safe behaviour.

For sport lessons the uniform is unisex black MRSHS Phys Ed shorts and the grey Phys Ed shirt with the school logo. Appropriate footwear (e.g. sports shoes) must be worn during all physical education sessions.

The students are encouraged to wear hats during outdoor sporting sessions.

Physical education, dance and cadets outfits are not to be worn during normal classes. 


From 2012, all students are required to wear the school uniform. If students are not in correct uniform and do not possess a Uniform Pass, staff refer them to Student Services.

Students in breach of the Uniform Code and with a Uniform Pass may face detention and loss of Good Standing status. Violations to the uniform policy are recorded and the following sanctions will apply:

  1. Students are asked to remove inappropriate uniform items or change into spare uniform items provided through Student Services,.
  2. A student might be given recess/lunch detention if the uniform remains inappropriate.
  3. After three infringements, a letter is sent home to parents and a meeting is organised to discuss improvements.
  4. After five infringements, the loss of privileges policy will be enforced which excludes non-compliant students from all non-curriculum based events such as:
    • Sporting events
    • Non-assessable camps and excursions
    • School ball, socials, discos and dinner dances
    • Country Week and Sydney-Canberra Tour

The uniform policy will be in line with the Good Standings/Loss of Privilege Policy.

Black jeans and uncovered tights/leggings are not deemed part of school uniform.

Thank you to parents for their ongoing support of the school uniform