Policy on Bullying
Information for parents

What Is Bullying

It is a repetitive attack which causes distress not only at the time of the attack but also by the threat of future attacks.

Types of Bullying

  1. PHYSICAL—hitting, punching, kicking
  2. VERBAL—put downs, teasing about physical characteristics or sexuality.
  3. GESTURE—body language or facial expressions designed to intimidate, threaten or silence the victim.
  4. EXTORTION—forcing someone to give up their food, money or possessions or even to do their homework.
  5. EXCLUSION—deliberately excluding someone from their peer group.
  6. SEXUAL HARASSMENT – when a person makes an unwelcome sexual advance or an unwelcome request for sexual favours to the other person.

How do you recognise if your child is being bullied?

It isn’t always easy to identify when a student is being bullied.

Some of the possible indicators are:

  • Changing his/her route to or from school
  • Going to school or coming home at different times
  • Truancy or regular absences from a class or classes
  • A decrease in social contacts
  • Change in character (more sullen and/or withdrawn)
  • A deterioration in school work
  • Sleeping or eating disturbances

What can you do if you believe that your child is involved in bullying?

  • If your son or daughter is involved in bullying, either as a bully or as a victim, they need your support.
  • Take the incident or report seriously.
  • Be prepared to listen to them but be aware they may not tell you the full story.
  • Discuss the situation calmly with your son/daughter.
  • Set an example by being firm but not aggressive.
  • Take an interest in your child’s social life.
  • It is vital that you know where your child is at ALL times.
  • Research shows that bullying is more likely to be reported to friends and family than to teachers.
  • Always try to work through the school – if the school does not know what is happening it cannot act.

It may not be easy to decide what to do. If you are unsure but concerned contact someone at the school and talk it over.

There are several people who can help you:

  1. Form Teacher
  2. Year Leaders – Craig Healy – 9757 0786
  3. School Chaplain – Jon Daniels & Kathryn Seisun – 9757 0717
  4. School Psychologist – Debra Anderson – 9757 0730
  5. School Nurse – Sandra Robertson – 9757 0719
  6. Deputy Principals – Merv McKillop – 9757 0702 & Hetty Bogerd – 9757 0703
  7. Student Services Manager – Lee Pike – 9757 0720

…….. Or any teacher with whom you feel comfortable

Before you talk to the school try to have the following information:

  • What exactly happened?
  • Who is involved?
  • Where and when it is happening?
  • Has there been any provocation?
  • Are there any witnesses?

Margaret River Senior High School has developed a school policy to address the issue of bullying because we believe that every student has the right to feel safe and comfortable when they attend our school.

It is the student’s right and responsibility to report bullying.

What you can do if you are bullied:

  • Stay calm; act confident and tell them, firmly, to stop.
  • If someone takes something from you don’t fight back, tell someone.
  • Don’t support bullies, walk away.
  • Reporting bullying is not “dobbing”, it is the right thing to do.